High performance technologies and intelligent solutions to problems for the floor covering industry. Since its foundation in 1996, Profloor Technology AG has devoted itself to the design and manufacture of state-of-the-art professional tools and machines for floor layers. Professional users particularly appreciate the high and reliable quality of the products that can be used to lay all types of floor covering with precision. Exclusive know-how ensures the competitive edge. An internal design department, global patents plus many years of experience in manufacturing in factories across the world are key success factors for competing in international markets and maintaining a lasting head-start. The company is therefore able to guarantee not only the trade in general but also tradesmen in particular, the best quality, thus providing the basis for enduring competitiveness for Profloor Technology customers vis-a-vis rivals. The focus is on customer benefitsWith the help of intelligent, application-driven solutions to problems, the innovative Swiss set the course for the future. A particular ground-breaking product that will revolutionise the renovation of existing buildings is the QuickWall: Awarded the German prize for innovation 2007, the mobile dust screen ensures that renovation work can be undertaken to existing buildings such as hospitals, public facilities, companies and residential properties in a clean and professional manner. The expressive slogan "a must against dust" speaks for itself. The Blue Marlin floor laying knife has advanced to become a true lifestyle product for the sector. Its elegant, practical design and the extraordinary good grip makes it a must have for professionals. Another world first is the Provinol seam cutter, whose specially developed and patented curved blade guarantees perfect seam cutting, wall to wall. In addition to these examples Profloor Technology's portfolio comprises many additional and highly innovative products and is being added to all the time. Distribution as the company prime mover Worldwide distribution partners, specially trained by Profloor Technology, provide the trade with competent and application-driven advice. A finely woven distribution network already markets Profloor Technology products in Europe, USA and Australia. The protected “Shark Label“ is acknowledged around the globe by professionals. The production of private label products marketed by global leading companies is also extremely successful.
Dietlikon 8305
4 (144) 994-4070