Tour is a unique and simple workspace solution that allows individuals to personally adapt their space to meet changing needs. Designed by Kirt Martin, It is easy to install, easy to rearrange and easy on the environment (Tour is cradle-to-cradle certified). Initially available to customers in January 2008, Tour is comprised of four main components that can be configured into over 40 combinations ‚¬â€œ creating adjustable, customizable design that is never out-of-date at a low price point. Components to Tour include student carrels, storage and screens for creating boundaries, privacy and functionality. In order to continually evolve its product line, Turnstone recently introduced exciting enhancements to Tour based on user centered observation, including benching applications, 120 degree applications, new storage components, and user tools including personal magnetic marker boards, making the system more customizable than ever. Tour provides a workspace that multi-tasks right along with its users and illustrates that one size doesn't always fit all.
Winner of the 2007 NeoCon Silver Award.
Tour workspace is priced starting at $1400 U.S. list per workstation.
Lead Designer: Kirt Martin, Design Director of Turnstone. The new enhancements to Tour were introduced at NeoCon 2008