Digital Asset Assurance - DAA
524 Old Collierville Arli
Collierville 38017-4951
United States
(732) 618-7245
524 Old Collierville Arli
Collierville 38017-4951
United States
(732) 618-7245
Digital Asset Assurance - DAA
Digital Asset Assurance (DAA) (the “Company”) currently operates as a “Doing Business As” (DBA) company under its holding company, the digit group, inc., a State of Nevada C Corporation with its head office in Memphis, Tennessee with development locations in Redwood City, California, Atlanta, Georgia, New Hyde Park, New York and Shanghai, China. DAA is one of 3 incubation products that the digit group has currently under development. DAA has been created to develop, market and support a Cloud-based, Software as a Service (SaaS) Data Assurance solution for the Built Environment.